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Sponsor for the representation of the mural

In 29/08/2010 in Makrinitsa Pelion took place the revelation of the mural that represents the “Maydes”. The mural revelation was done in the presence of locals and visitors with live traditional music (tabor and clarinet).

“Maydes” is the only folkloric, dance-mimic custom that has its roots deep in the folk, Greek tradition and is incident upon the history and the social lige of Makrinitsa has been impressed as public mural in the entrance of the Brani settlement in Makrinitsa, by the internationally famous Italian mural painter Pina Monne with the support of the Carpe Diem group. It must be noted that it is the first time that foreign mural painter with such unique descriptive technique visits and creates in Greece.

“DIAS” company has been a sponsor for this event of the representation of the mural in Makrinitsa Pelion. “DIAS” offered and assembled forefront scaffoldings to accommodate the mural painter complete the work.

Below you can see photos of the beginning of the mural up to its completion.